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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (So that others may no longer suffer)

Dear Mr. Edwin B. Dominado

It took me sometime before I've decided to do this post. I believe in the power of Karma and my present financial state is not really that rosy. It has been a very difficult year and I have not been able to settle a few financial obligations. I fear that what I am about to do will rebound on me in the end. But my continued silence about the matter would mean that it would provide you with an opportunity to take advantage of other people due to your charm and charisma most especially the Filipino elderly community in Florida.

Sometime in June, 2013 my bedridden Aunt who regards you as a friend entrusted to you the total amount of $1,900.00 to be remitted to my father here in the Philippines. A portion of that amount would have been used for the medical and medicine expenses of my parents. The rest was alloted to the educational needs of my sister's children who my Aunt is helping out. It was a normal business transaction for she has dealt with you before with regards to remitting money to our family in the Philippines. For some reason that you only know you were not able to remit it the whole amount. It took some time and much follow up from my uncle and cousin, you called us up to inform us that you were having trouble with your remittance company and would only be able to remit the initial amount of $300.00 with a promise that you would remit the rest of the money in installment every other day till its completed. You sent the $300.00 and we received it last July 23, 2013. Then nothing else was heard from you.

After much follow up again you gave the excuse that you have been ill and hospitalized that is why you were not able to send what you have promised. After which you send the amount of $200.00 last August 13, 2013, then $180.00 in August 15, 2013. Then with much follow up again of my cousin you sent the amount of $200.00 last September 9, 2013 with a promise that you would settle the whole amount by September 13, 2013. As of this time we have only received the total amount of $880.00 and you still owe us a total of $920.00 that would really been a big help if you have done so.

Every time my uncle or cousin conducts a follow up on when you would send the rest of the money your frequent excuse are the following:

  1. Your remittance company was in a merger and they are still taking care of the details.
  2. You were ill and just got out of the hospital.
  3. You are busy with the various programs of the various organizations that you belong to.

What I find very amusing is that you maintain a very high profile based on the internet search that I have done. There are a lot of good write ups about you and the organizations that you represent. You have always portrayed yourself as a civic leader with a lot of civic projects in helping out the poor and creating interest in the arts. Your family business here in the Philippines is a school that has a Christian sounding name. And yet behind all of that I still received reports of other elderly Filipinos who trusted you because of your social standing with their hard earned money and you did not remit it to the families here in the Philippines. Is this just one big lie? A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde scenario?

We might never get the rest of the money back from you after this and it might have some personal ramification on my end (Karma, remember). Sharing this so that others won't be victimized any more and made to suffer of your charm and deceit. The gamble might be worth it.

Yours Truly;

Mr. Gener Luis Morada


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